Leaders of the Interfaith Fellowship Team

Designed by Dean Curry in September 2003

Campus leaders of the organizations mentioned below meet in the Fisk Memorial Chapel on Tuesdays at 12:00pm.

Any member on-campus religious group, which is recognized by the Office of Student Affairs at Fisk University, may attend the meetings.


Dean Curry is the advisor of L.I.F.T. Meetings are held on a weekly basis from 12:00pm to 1:00pm, in the lower level of the Chapel.

Mission of L.I.F.T

1)  Provide a forum for dialogue among students who are both leaders and representatives of religious denominations or organizations at Fisk University

2) Enhance the religious life of all students who attend Fisk University

3) Promote tolerance and acceptance of the variety of different religious perspectives that exist at Fisk University

4) Promote interfaith activities (e.g., worship services and panel discussions) that stimulate both critical and analytical discussions about issues issue affecting humanity (e.g., poverty, violence and world hunger).

Member Organizations of L.I.F.T

The Fisk Memorial Chapel  -  The Wesley Foundation at Fisk University  -  The Mount Zion College Ministry  Young Excited and Saved (Y.E.S) Ministries  -  Every Nation Campus Ministries

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